Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Best of both Worlds of Adoption

My first world: I was adopted at birth, and was lucky to have great parents. When growing there where sometimes I really didn’t understand. Like going to the doctors and my parents not knowing anything about my family medical history. Another thing that really bugged me was not know my nationality. These are reason why I started my search on my birthparents. I was lucky. I wrote the adoption agency in Michigan when I turned 18 yrs. old. Around the time I turned 26 Michigan ran a news story about parents opening their files for children to find them. My birth mother opened her file and the agency called me. I spoke to my birth mom first. It took me a few years to get up the courage to call my birth father. I didn’t want to interfere in either of their lives just wanted to know my medical and nationality. They both where great about answering questions for me. I did receive a picture of my birth mother. May be someday, I will get to see my birthfather.
My second world: On September 8, 1985, I put my son up for adoption. I was 18 years old and my hearing was going. My parents and I thought it would be hard for me to raise a child with learning to deal with my hearing lost. I was able to bless another family with a son. I’m hoping he was raise in a good home like I was. Maybe one day he will search for me and I will be there to answer questions for him also.

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