Thursday, July 12, 2007

Are you Prepared???

Are you prepared for putting up a child for adoption? No one really asks you that question when you’re thinking about putting up a child for adoption. The time before you are release from the hospital now you get to fill out all the paper work for your child. You get to give him/her a name. Give any medical information, nationality, and any information important to help their parents. Being adopted I had very little information to pass to his new parents. I received my information 11-11-85 almost 2 months after my son was born. I received all the non-identifying information that was contained in my file. I learned at this time a lot of information I need to pass onto my son. I was able to pass my medical information to him.
I know spending time with him in the hospital made it easier on me. To this day I still have photos. I named him after his father & a good friend who helped me out along the way. His name ended up being Johnnie Christopher Clexton. Here is a picture of me and him in the hospital.

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